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No identificado

John Norfolk Doe 1981

NCIC# Not Entered , NamUs# 6626

Fecha encontrado: 10 de junio de 1981

Donde encontrado : Norfolk, VA

Edad estimada: 17-25 años de edad


On June 10, 1981, an unidentified male was found in Norfolk, VA. The male was found in the Elizabeth River near Pier 25 of Naval Station Norfolk. It was estimated that the male was in his late teens to early twenties, and he had only been deceased for about one week. The male had short afro-style black hair and brown eyes. He stood approximately 5'7" tall and weighed around 164 pounds. He had a beard and possibly had a mustache. The male had seen a dentist in life as several dental fillings were seen in his teeth. He was found wearing a tan shirt and a short leather jacket with brown corduroy pants, black socks, and brown shoes. No other clothing or belongings were found with him. The above image is a facial reconstruction completed by a NCMEC Forensic Artist and depicts what the male may have looked like in life.

Fotos adicionales

Norfolk Police Department (Virginia) 1-757-441-5610 or Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of Virginia 1-757-683-8366

NCMEC: 1200844